Adams County County
Total Per Person Percentile Total Per Person Percentile
Urban/Mixed/Rural (Defining Rural Indiana)Mixed
Fiscal Measures
Total Local Government Appropriations$84,927,421 $2,38310%-25%
Net Property Tax Revenue (after credits)$30,093,638 $84425%-50%
Average Property Tax Rate (net after all credits)$2.00N/A50%-75%
Share of Tax Cap Credits in Property Tax Revenue3.92%N/A25%-50%
Local Income Tax Revenue$11,415,156 $32025%-50%
Local Income Tax Rate1.62%N/A25%-50%
Revenue Capacity Index
Taxable Assessed Value$1,507,544,803 $42,30425%-50%
Taxable Income$702,903,695 $19,72525%-50%
State Formula School Aid$27,212,759 $7640%-10%
State Formula Road Aid$4,691,303 $13225%-50%
Services Cost Index
Population in Cities and Towns (Total and pct of Pop)16,23345.6%25%-50%
School Enrollment (Total and pct of Pop)4,32712.1%0%-10%
Road Miles (Total and per 1,000 people)77621.825%-50%
Capacity Cost
Capacity Cost Index (View Map) 128.57N/A50%-75%