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Occupations by Skills Clusters for the U.S.: Methodological Framework and Experiments
Occupations and skills analysis have become as important as the analysis of industries for economic and workforce development in the U.S. This research and policy insight article explores analytical methods to develop occupations by skills clusters for the U.S. by using public sources of data. The article presents different methods and results, and ways to identify an optimal number of occupations by skills clusters. It concludes by presenting policy implications and practical applications for such databases including future directions for the research.
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Who is Currently Served by Broadband in Indiana?
As states start investing the funds from the $42 billion Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program, the focus has been on unserved (locations lacking access to 25 Mbps download speed/3 Mbps upload speed) and underserved (locations lacking access to 100/20 Mbps). However, no analysis has been done to better understand who is currently served (locations with access to at least 25/3 Mbps). This article utilizes the revamped national broadband map to conduct descriptive analysis of those locations considered served.
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An Application of Spatial Machine Learning Methods in Industry Clusters Analysis
This report introduces the concept of industry clusters and explores the application of spatial machine learning methods to examine the clusters’ distributions around the Great Lakes Region. The study focuses on six Midwestern states: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Industry clusters are defined as local and regional concentrations of competitive firms that share resources and promote innovation, driving regional economic growth.
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Purdue-WHIN Achievement Highlights: By the Numbers
This report dives deeper into the numbers and highlights of WHIN. The Purdue Center for Regional Development (PCRD) has been involved in the Wabash Heartland Innovation Network (WHIN) since 2016 as the research/assessment component of the project. PCRD has provided WHIN with grant-writing assistance, a comprehensive data dashboard, regional placemaking surveys, biannual reports, a set of three midpoint impact analysis reports and this Ripple Grant #40001922 Effects Mapping report.
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Ripple Effects Mapping: A Value-Added Process for Documenting the Impacts of the WHIN Initiative
One of the activities that has been a part of the Wabash Heartland Innovation Network (WHIN) has been its investment in the design and implementation of a sound process for tracking the progress and documenting the impacts of the multi-pronged WHIN effort in the region. The Purdue Center for Regional Development (PCRD) was charged with the responsibility of guiding and implementing several facets of the WHIN evaluation plan. To ensure the evaluation would produce sound, unbiased and accurate information, the PCRD evaluation team embraced a multi-method approach to its evaluation plan.
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Who is Using the Internet at Faster Speeds?
Efforts to better understand the digital divide increased significantly over the past several years, particularly during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, when individuals, businesses, and organizations scrambled to engage online. Better understanding this issue leads to more efficient and effective interventions to ensure all groups can benefit and participate fully in the increasingly digitizing economy and society.
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The Impact of Remote Work
Remote work has been discussed as a feasible economic development strategy even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Work from home has a positive impact on local communities and regions, urban and rural. However, access to affordable and reliable internet is a critical element for remote workers and for this reason has tremendous implications for digital equity and...
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Impact of Next Level Broadband Connections and Indiana Connectivity Program Investments
This study assessed the impact of broadband capital investments in Indiana and six regions from 2019 to 2023, totaling $609 million from federal, state, and private funds. Using the REMI PI+ model, the study found that these investments resulted in an average of approximately 1,600 new jobs annually, an increase of around 800 in population, and the addition of 580 workers to the labor force...
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Indiana & OCRA Regions – 2021 Digital Inclusion Profile
This regional digital inclusion profile provides insights on the state of digital equity in regions across the state. Demographic and economic data are analyzed to showcase the landscape, barriers, and opportunities digital equity brings.
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The State of the Digital Divide in Indiana
This analysis takes a detailed look at the digital divide as it was in 2021 (latest year available), who it affected, and its socioeconomic implications by using an innovative metric called the digital divide index.
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Rural Road to Recovery in Indiana – Impacts
This report provides an overview of how labor participation and the economy, as well as local government revenue sources, were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the state of Indiana. It also highlights some of the impacts of Indiana’s investments in rural communities through the five agencies in Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch’s Family of Business.
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Comparing Broadband Availability & Speed Tests in Indiana
One of the well-known limitations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Form 477 broadband data is that it overstates availability, especially in rural areas. Our study undertakes a comparison of the FCC data with recently released speed test data for the state of Indiana from Ookla at the Census block level...
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Home Broadband Survey Results: Connecting Indiana
The COVID pandemic revealed a need for better internet access in Indiana. A survey of 16,200 home internet subscribers was conducted and found that while most had internet service, over half were unhappy with its speed and reliability. Respondents were willing to pay less for better service than they currently pay. The survey shows that the digital divide is now a quality issue that needs to be addressed.
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Job Openings & Labor Turnover in Indiana: The Churning Continues
Several national news outlets have highlighted the number of people who have left their jobs over the course of the last six months. In fact, the number of people quitting their jobs in September 2021 stood at 4.4 million workers, the highest number ever recorded.
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Lake Freeman Economic Impact
This study looks at the economic impacts in Carroll and White Counties of changes in Lake Freeman’s homeowners and visitors spending patterns in recent years. Recreational days spent at the lake as well as recreational expenditures from homeowners and visitors were collected via surveys and used in an IMPLAN input/output model.
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The Role of Rural Areas in Regional Clusters: The Case of the Great Lakes Chicago EDA Region
The cluster concept has dominated economic development practice for more than 20 years. In this article, we examine the mix of counties that play a significant role in various clusters, doing so by identifying their footprint or concentration of jobs.
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Artificial Intelligence, Manufacturing, and Workforce Development in Indiana
Domestically, industries are racing toward adoption of digital transformation to empower their data-driven manufacturing strategies. The increasing digital transformation seen in manufacturing is being enabled by the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and big data, which are bringing the potential and benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into focus.
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COVID-19 Induced Automation: An Exploratory Study of Critical Occupations
The COVID-19 pandemic may stimulate the use of automation especially for critical occupations. In this report, we evaluate the potential for each detailed SOC occupation being automated due to the COVID 19 by two dimensions: its susceptibility disease exposure and the capacity being automated prior to the pandemic.
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Rural Road to Recovery in Indiana – Overview
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a pervasive impact throughout the United States, and Indiana has not been spared from this global health crisis. The consequences on the fiscal, economic and health status of people and communities across the state have been extensive. While large metropolitan cities such as New York, Miami, Houston and Chicago have captured the attention of major media channels, the impacts of COVID-19 on rural America have often been overlooked.
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Jay County Economic Development Plan
Jay County (population 21,046 in 2016) was built on the core values of hard work and a strong commitment to community. For more than 75 years, Jay County has boasted a rich heritage in manufacturing, where 65 percent of all U.S. markets are no more than a 24-hour drive away. Residents enjoy a low cost of living, low crime rate, and small town feel close to major cities...
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Stronger Economies Together: North Central Indiana Regional Planning Council Plan
The North Central Indiana Regional Planning Council (NCIRPC) is comprised of Cass, Clinton, Fulton, Howard, Miami and Tipton counties. The region has a population of approximately 225,000 and 34 separate units of local goverment. Officially organized in late 2014, the region completed a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) in 2012.
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Broadband Data Validation and Demand Aggregation in Indiana
The Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) announced in 2018 the five communities that were being awarded a pilot broadband planning grant to “help gain an understanding of their current broadband conditions and needs, create a long-term broadband plan in their community, and identify options for achieving that vision.”
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Job Creation From Rural Broadband Companies
This study finds that when evaluated as a snapshot of a single recent year, small, rural communications providers in the United States contributed to more than 77,000 jobs and supported more than $10 billion in economic activities across a wide range of industries.
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A Look at Broadband Access, Providers and Technology
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) publishes a bi-annual dataset based on data submitted by internet service providers using Form 477. This dataset provides information at the Census block level, the most granular geography used by the U.S. Census Bureau, on types of technologies available.
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State of Broadband – SIRPC
The main objective of this report is to increase awareness of the state of broadband availability in the nine counties that are part of the Southeastern Indiana Regional Planning Council (SIRPC) region and its implications. A summary of the most popular broadband technologies is discussed as well as broadband deployment and/or upgrading models that could be considered.
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State of Broadband – NCIRPC
The main objective of this report is to increase awareness of the state of broadband availability in the six-counties that are part of the Northcentral Indiana Regional Planning Council (NCIRPC) region and its implications. A summary of the most popular broadband technologies is discussed as well as broadband deployment and/or upgrading models that could be considered.
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Benefit-Cost Analysis for Implementation of Rural Broadband in the Tipmont Cooperative in Indiana
The objective of this study is to estimate the costs and benefits of rural broadband for the Tipmont Rural Electric Cooperative service territory. It does so by analyzing the “real world” costs of providing broadband service to households in a targeted multi-county area of Indiana, and estimating the benefits that can accrue to these households and the surrounding economy.
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Estimation of the Net Benefits of Indiana Statewide Adoption of Rural Broadband
This paper projects the statewide net benefits that could be obtained from installation of rural broadband in all of the areas served by Rural Electric Member Cooperatives (REMC) in the state of Indiana. This analysis draws heavily upon an initial analysis that was done for the Tipmont Cooperative.
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State of Broadband – Wabash Heartland Innovation Network
The main objective of this report is to increase awareness of the state of broadband infrastructure in the ten counties that are part of the Wabash Heartland Innovation Network (WHIN) region. This increased awareness should lead to meaningful discussions regarding broadband in the region and ways to address identified gaps.
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State of Broadband – Southern Indiana Development Commission
The main objective of this report is to increase awareness of the state of broadband availability in the five counties that are part of the Southern Indiana Development Commission (SIDC) region and its implications. A summary of the most popular broadband technologies is discussed as well as broadband deployment and/or upgrading models that could be considered.
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People and Places: The Nature and Location of Talent in Indiana
Reflected in a variety of metrics, such as low rates of unemployment and increased productivity evidenced by the expansion of the state’s gross domestic product (GDP), Indiana’s economy is continuing to show signs of strength.
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Digital Divide in the US
The digital divide is a complex issue. This report attempts to define and measure the digital divide in the U.S. and seeks to understand its impact on demographics, jobs, and establishment profiles of urban and rural counties.
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Digital Divide in Indiana
This report attempts to define and measure the digital divide and provide a greater understanding of its impact on demographics, jobs and establishments throughout Indiana.
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Broadband’s Impact – A Brief Literature Review
Broadband applications continue to evolve as the technology matures and number of users increase. As of December 2017, more than 3.7 billion people around the world were using the internet (Internet Live Stats, 2017)...
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