Purdue Center for Regional Development Collaborates with Indiana Farm Bureau to Form Indiana Broadband Strategic Partnership

The Purdue Center for Regional Development (PCRD) is collaborating with the Indiana Farm Bureau, which announced the formation of the Indiana Broadband Strategic Partnership (IBSP) to help bring reliable broadband to the most unserved and underserved communities across the state.
This partnership will promote the Indiana Speed Test, a crowd-sourced internet speed test created by GEO Partners, LLC, a Minnesota-based company that focuses on enabling cost effective planning and deployment of broadband. GEO Partners, LLC is working with other states including Minnesota, Washington, Maine, Kentucky, and Nebraska, as well as the nationally designated Delta Regional Authority that covers parts of eight states along the Mississippi River, to gather broadband data.
Mapping broadband speeds in Indiana is an important step to providing affordable broadband access to the unserved and underserved communities. PCRD is excited to be a collaborating partner to bring the Indiana Speed Test to all Hoosiers. Please take a few minutes to run the speed test.
Roberto GallardoPCRD Director
The Indiana Speed Test is available on the PCRD’s website – https://pcrd.purdue.edu/speedtest, along with other partnering websites of other collaborating organizations, including the Association of Indiana Counties, Indiana Association of Regional Councils, Indiana Hospital Association and Indiana Broadband housed within the Office of Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch. To help with this initiative, the IBSP also includes Cook Medical Group, Duke Energy Foundation, Indiana Association of Realtors, Radius Indiana and the Regional Opportunity Initiative.
Since access to reliable broadband is one of the most important challenges facing rural communities today, Indiana Farm Bureau sought organizations that advocate on behalf of rural Indiana to begin finding and developing solutions. Data is a critical piece to help local broadband groups and the state of Indiana invest where service is needed and to avoid overbuilding infrastructure. With their groundbreaking work in other states, GEO Partners is a perfect fit.
Randy KronINFB President
GEO Partners provides real-time internet speed data by collecting speed test information from residents. Displayed on geographic information system (GIS) layers, the data pinpoints areas that are most in need of reliable, affordable access to broadband service.
The goal for the Indiana Speed Test is to gather data in all areas of Indiana. The GEO Partners software platform and the data will be available to local governments and organized broadband groups to analyze potential solutions and aid their applications for Indiana’s Next Level Connections Grants and a variety of federal grants. It is also hoped that the Indiana Speed Test data will jumpstart efforts to plan broadband infrastructure investments from the local portions of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, so that decision-makers make investments with the greatest impact.
The speed test may be performed multiple times on any device that has an internet or cellular connection. The test takes less than one minute to complete, and no personal information will be collected. You can also check the results of speed testing on the Indiana Map of Results. The results are broken down by county and is the collective total of all of the results from partnering organizations.
All Hoosiers are encouraged to participate in the Indiana Speed Test, the more locations, the more data points we’ll be able to map to highlight what connections are available and speeds Hoosiers are getting at those locations. We are confident that GEO Partners will help all broadband stakeholders in Indiana by mapping actual internet speeds and identifying the most efficient methods to invest in broadband infrastructure.
Randy KronINFB President
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how was this quality manifested?
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The COVID pandemic put a spotlight on the lack of adequate broadband in Indiana, especially in rural areas. The IBSP’s goal is to encourage data-driven investment decisions that substantially impact lives and our economic opportunity.

Jessica Wandless is the Communications and Engagement Manager for the Office of the Vice President for Engagement and the Purdue Center for Regional Development (PCRD).... read more